Speaking Through My World with Rosie Motene

Dshamilja Roshani

Rosie Motene

Dshamilja Roshani is a Berlin-born poet, writer, and performer of German-Iranian descent based in South Africa. Formally trained in Political Science and Creative Writing, their work explores themes such as queerness, identity, home, and belonging.
With poetry at the core of their creative expression.

Dshamilja is constantly looking for ways to expand and reinvent the scope of the art form. In this quest, they have developed diverse skill sets in many mediums, from writing to music, theatre, multimedia video formats, and live performances.

Dshamilja was featured on international platforms across South Africa, the US, and Germany such as Poetry Africa, The Joburg Theatre, The Mail & Guardian, Decolonoize Festival, The African Women Writers Network, and The Poetry Meets Series. They won The Future of Gender 2022 competition, received the Button Poetry Video Contest 2021 Honorable Mention, and ranked third in the WordNSound 2021 Digital Slam Finale.
Dshamilja’s debut album The Pride of Water was released in March 2023 and critically acclaimed as a “sonically astute and lyrically satisfying” body of work.

Contact Details
Email: dshamilja.roshani@gmail.com
Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | TikTok
Streaming Platforms: Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
Website: www.dshamiljaroshani.com | http://linkfro.de/dshamilja