Speaking Through My World with Rosie Motene

Donald Molosi - Cattlepost films

Rosie Motene

In conversation with Donald Molosi again. 
Donald has launched his production company Cattlepost Films, and the first project to produce is the Botswana short film, Partly Cloudy and Hot. The film unpacks and challenges the narrative around male infertility in Botswana. 

We also delve into the deliberate attempt to cancel artists, activists, and truth seekers. 

' Sad that just for us to be heard in our house, we have to scream at the neighbours' yard first'.

*In reference to the conversation about Justice Unity Dow., Donald meant to say "expelled" instead of "forced out".

Previous podcasts posts: https://pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1366387/7823548-waka-conversations-with-donald-molosi-part-2.mp3?download=true
